ws - philosophy
We work to tell the under-told stories of young people particularly in communities that have been and are disenfranchised. We work collaboratively - professional filmmakers/educators and youth - to tell the nuanced, complex, funny, silly, and important stories - not just the stories of violence and oppression so often lauded in the mainstream media. We seek to recognize and discuss the complexity of doing this work and we work to make our films and filmmaking practices reflective of that complexity.

We are also working to create pathways in film and technology for young people in communities that are often overlooked in film: brown, black, queer, women, immigrant, refugee. We teach young people the skills to tell the stories they want to tell and to show them how a diverse and well-run film set can look. We demonstrate to our youth that this is a viable pathway for their work and artistry in hopes that they will be the voices of the film industry in the future.
On our sets we value community, creativity, working through obstacles, and communicating needs. We are also committed to learning and growing through communication and reflection. We also seek to disrupt the traditional hierarchy seen in filmmaking, which represents capitalist, white supremacist and individualist structures, which harm our communities.